This page explains the different methods you can use to place an order with us.
We accept Paypal and credit cards.
You can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover,
Also Checks and Money Orders.
You can email your order with your credit card number, 3 or 4 digit code, and expiration date.
All payments must be in US Funds.....
We also accept PayPal...use for my address. Go to . Log into your account. Click on send money, enter our email address, enter amount to be paid, check on goods
and submit. All payments must be in US Funds...
You can call us at 856 358 3684.
We are always happy to talk to you...
Our mailing address is MAGIC STARS, Box 76, Deerfield St. NJ 08313
You can mail us a check or money order payable in US Funds made payable to Joe Mogar.
Please remember to include shipping charges.
We normally ship Priority Mail in the US ($10.00)
with tracking.
We ship airmail international ($28.00) for most items. Books will be more expensive.All customs charges are the
responsibilty of the customer...If you want insurance, let us know and we will give you the price. Also special shipping is
You can have Fast Delivery Express Mail shipping with tracking for $72.00
Please note that we are not responsible for lost international shipments. We have no control once the shipment leaves
the US.
Most orders will be shipped in 6 weeks or less. Some special orders will be 8 weeks or more. Mogar knives are custom knives
not store bought knives.