This picture shows standard size
tip along with Extra Large Tip.
We carry accessories
that every magician can use .
Vernet standard thumb tips $3.00.(This
the best tip to use for most every type of effect. ) Soft tips $3.00 , Super Soft
tips $3.00, Extra long King Size tips $4.00. Extra Large tips for the Big Man $4.00
...We have a complete line of high
quality silks imported directly from China in stock These are the better quality silks....
Our silks
give you real value for your
You will get more than what
you pay for.
6" price $1.50
..9" price $.2.50
12" price $ 3.50
18" price $.7.00
24" price $10.00
36" price $15.00
All Standard Colors are Available
Please indicate the colors you want when you
place your order.
You will be pleased with these silks and you
will be able to use them for most everything you do with silks
These are Bargain Prices
Don't miss out
Thumbtip Rainbow streamers 1"x
36" price $2.00
Longer thumbtip Rainbow streamers 1"x 72"price $6.00
Rainbow Streamer 2"
x 15 ft. Price $10.00
Wide Rainbow Streamer 6" x 20 ft. price
Rainbow Streamer 4" x 10 ft price $10.00
Long Rainbow Streamer 4' x 30 ft price $22.00
Very Long Rainbow Streamer 4" x 50 ft
price $30.00
Solid color Red Streamer 4" x 8 ft price $18.00
Solid color White Streamer 4" x 8 ft price $
Black and White Zebra Streamer 4" x 17 ft price
$ 30.00
BEST Quality Professional Large Silk
This is a beautiful silk
made up of ten 15" silks
Price $40.00
10 silks is the perfect number for
fantastic production
just right not too long
BEST Quality Medium silk
This is another beautiful silk fountain made
up of eight 12" silks.
price $20.00
Both of the Silk Fountains will be
a great addition to your show
and last for many years.